Soxhlet Apparatus

Soxhlet Apparatus

Soxhlet Apparatus an apparatus for use in extracting fatty or other material with a volatile solvent (such as ether, alcohol, or benzene) consisting of a vertical glass cylindrical extraction tube that has both a siphon tube and a vapor tube, that is fitted at its upper end to a reflux condenser and at its lower end to a flask so that the solvent may be distilled from the flask into the condenser whence it flows back into the cylindrical tube and siphons over into the flask to be distilled again.

Soxhlet extractor has three main sections: a percolator (boiler and reflux) which circulates the solvent, a thimble (usually made of thick filter paper) which retains the solid to be extracted, and a siphon mechanism, which periodically empties the thimble.

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