ESAW Operational Amplifier Trainer IC-741 (EEC-11575)
Complete Kit (Digital) in all respects with the following buit-in components:-
• Built-in + 1.2V power supply forIC 741.
• 0-5V, 0-5V: 2 continuously variable power upply.
• Spare resistances 22K, 4.7K, 3.3K : 1 no. Each ,47K, 1K, 33K:
2 nos Each&10K : 3 nos.&IC 741 : 1 no.
• Solderness Breadboard of size 3.5” x 2.5” is also mounted
on substantial Hylem backing palte.
• Spare plastic coated single Tinned copper wires( SWG No : 22) are provided for easy connections.
• Digital meter with selector switch to read V , V & output 1 2 voltage (V )
Operational Amplifier are high gain differential amplifiers and are known so because they are used to perform a number of operations e.g. summing, Inverting, non-inverting etc. Such amplifiers are available in the form of an integrated circuit-IC 741.