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ESAW  Newton’s Ring Microscope (LO-5817)

ESAW Newton’s Ring Microscope (LO-5817)

Model No : LO-5817

Regular price Rs. 14,999.00
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esaw lo-5817 newtons ring microscope

esaw newtons ring microscope

laboratory equipment

laboratory light and optics products

laboratory newtons ring microscope


lo-5817 newtons ring microscope

newtons ring microscope

Delivery Period

3-5 Working Days


3 Days Replacement as standard, Free of Cost

Dedicated Support

Support from 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM everyday

ESAW Newton’s Ring Microscope (LO-5817)

Regular price Rs. 14,999.00

    ESAW  Newton’s Ring Microscope (LO-5817)

    A standard Microscope unit having 30 x magnificaon is provided with a rotatable cross line and the eye piece can be focused as per i n d i v i d u a l ’ s requirement. The whole microscope tube unit can be raised or lowered and can be clamped in any desired posion. The focusing of the microscope unit is done by rack and pinion arrangement. The longitudinal movement of the microscope saddle for the purpose of the Rings isdone by rotang the drum. The 26 mm movement can be read by scale and on the divided drumto0.001 cm. Newton’s Ring set consisng of the opcal flat glass and one Plano-convex Lens (50mm radius) arranged inside a metal case resng over the stage of the instrument which can be adjusted for the alignment

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