ESAW Nodal Slide Assembly (LO-5031)
Consistsof the following items
a) Nodal Upright: Consists of a combinaon of Single & double lens holder on amount rotang along the vercal axis. The combinaon lens holders are adjustable in height, and the single & twin lens holders can either be moved together by rack & pinion or relave to each other by sliding. These moons can be read by individual pointers on a mm scale.
b) Mirror: Plain, inclinable with 3” steel C.P. Stem
c) Optical Slit: With fine machined cross slit, one surface white & the other opcal black, with 3” steel C.P. Stem
d) Lamp House: an electric bulb is encased in a metal case with cord & pin. It works on 220VAC.